Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here comes the reces

Here comes the recession bride: My fiancé and I couldn’t wait to get married. Then I got laid off, and we..

3RD LD: N. Korea env

3RD LD: N. Korea envoys deliver Kim Jong message to S. Korea president : SEOUL, Aug. 23 (Kyodo) _ (EDS: UPDADIN..

Why the Gang of Six

Why the Gang of Six is deciding healthcare for 300 million of us: Six senators representing 3 percent of the po..

“Libyan Leader Gad

“Libyan Leader Gaddafi Praises Brown for Lockerbie Terrorist’s Release” and related posts: Ga..

“Game 122: Yankees

“Game 122: Yankees at Red Sox” and related posts: The LoHud Yankees Blog STATE OF THE 'STRIPES..

“ELCA eliminates b

“ELCA eliminates ban on openly gay and lesbian clergy” and related posts: Minnesota Independent: Ne..

“ELCA Assembly Ope

“ELCA Assembly Opens Ministry to Partnered Gay and Lesbian Lutherans” and related posts: Faithful P..

“The “terminally

“The “terminally ill” Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, walks off the plane to a h..

“Android and VoIP

“Android and VoIP applications” and related posts: Google Public Policy Blog I wanted to briefly se..

Sod Farm, Butler, GA

Sod Farm, Butler, GA 31006: Sod farm for sale. Over 1,100 acres. Bermuda grass operation with irrigation.

Hotel For Sale, Atla

Hotel For Sale, Atlanta, GA 30336: Priced under $25,000 per unit. Very attractive acquisition in the Atlanta m..